Siena College Annual Fundraiser “Open Doors” Email Campaign

Siena Fund RaisingSiena College provides financial aid to over 90% of its students, largely through generous donations of philanthropists and alumni who want to give back.

The annual fund raising initiatives are the primary source of these fund raising efforts, so it’s important to provide a clear message and a convenient way to donate.

For this initiative, my role was to develop the concept, create a branded look for a series of targeted E-campaigns that were emailed to past alumni and donors. Each ad had a specific message to encourage the recipient to continue “Opening Doors” for students working towards a degree in the recipient’s chosen field.

Because Siena has three major degree programs (Liberal Arts, Business, and Science), the individual ads were developed to target donors working in those respective fields.

Each email linked to a unique landing page so clicks and donations could be tracked and analyzed for future campaigns.

The email list was updated prior to mailing, and the final campaign had a delivery success rate of over 97%, and click-through/opens were over 38%, making it one of the most successful fundraisers of it’s time.

Click on the images below for a larger view of the email campaigns

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