Siena College Annual Holiday Greeting from the President
The mascot for Siena College is “Bernie” the St. Bernard – a well known and beloved figure at games, and an integral part of their branding.
Because of his notoriety, Siena College wanted to utilize his likeness in an animated holiday greeting to be distributed to their Student Body, Alumni, and staff.
They wanted a light-hearted approach to instill the message of sharing, giving, and peace and good will toward others.
My role in this Email campaign was to develop a script, character animation and video editing for a brief cartoon message featuring Bernie, and music provided by the Siena Choir.
I also provided the html files and images for the email campaign and the landing page design that would display the video holiday message.
Click on the video below to review the holiday message video animation:
Below is a screenshot of the final landing page (no longer active on their web server).