Ticona Branding Strategy

Ticona Product Literature

Ticona Engineering Polymers needed to restructure their marketing and branding strategy, they wanted to wipe the slate clean. As a growing, global company, they wanted to consider their entire line of products, and how they were perceived around the world in other markets.

The first step in the process was developing branding guidelines that would need to be integrated across all media. This included: the fonts, logo size and position, tagline and usages, color palette, imagery and messaging.

The color palette included a specific color for each product, so that they were easily distinguishable at a glance.

These branding guidelines were integrated into all of their printed marketing literature, E-newsletters and promotional updates, online (web-based) advertisements, and their website.

The results ultimately were a great success – the clean, white look and distinguished layout and messaging helped Ticona establish itself as a recognizable name in engineered poymers around the world.

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